25 Mar TimeWorksPlus: Geofencing
Once Geofencing has been setup, you can easily identify employees that have used the mobile app to clock in and out beyond the boundaries of their defined location. This article explains how to view the punch data and factors that can affect the accuracy of Geofencing.
View Geofence Punches
On both the single-day and employee timecard views, punches with location data are indicated with a colored pin next to each punch time.
The following items on the timecard are related to Geofencing:
- A) Red w/ Slash – Employee is assigned to a geofence, but no location data was collected with the punch.
- B) Grey – Location data was collected with the punch, but the employee was not assigned to a geofence at the time of the punch.
- C) Green – Employee made the punch from within their assigned geofence.
- D) Red – Employee made the punch outside their assigned geofence.
- Grey w/ Slash (not pictured) – No location data was collected with the punch and the employee is excluded from geofence tracking.
- E) Show Mobile Punches – Click this button to see map displaying the employee’s geofences and mobile punches.
Clicking a location pin (a pin without a slash through it) opens a map showing just that punch and an outline of the employee’s geofence.
Clicking Show Mobile Punches on the timecard opens a map detailing each mobile punch (pictured below). From this map view, you can center up on a single punch by clicking a row on the punch list. (click image to enlarge and open in a new tab)
This map does not show non-GPS punches nor does it reflect an edited time made to the punch. The Punch Location column displays the geofence name unless the employee’s punch was outside the geofence. If the punch was outside of a geofence, the nearest address is displayed instead.
Printing location and geofence data for a time card can also be done with the print icon near the right side of the map.
Missing Location Data
Any GPS pin with a slash through it indicates a mobile punch was recorded with no location data. For those employees assigned to a geofence, they will be considered outside the fence in this case.
There are two main reasons why this may happen:
- GPS services are disabled on the app or device. While you can choose which employees should have GPS data collected with their mobile punch, the employee must also agree to allow the mobile app to collect their location data. If they do not do this, or they turn their device’s location services off entirely, then the punch will be recorded without a location.
- The device was unable to get a GPS signal. In most cases, a phone with location services enabled will be able to get some sort of geodata by using either GPS or cell tower triangulation, but not always; tall buildings or poor reception can prevent the location from being collected. See GPS Accuracy for more on factors that affect a GPS location.
GPS Accuracy
When location data is collected from the mobile app, it includes an “accuracy” value in meters. This means that the employee’s actual location could have been anywhere within that distance to the pinpoint.
Accuracy is factored in when determining whether the punch was in or out of the fence. If the accuracy is 15 meters, and the employee’s location is 10 meters outside the fence, then they will be considered within the fence and their punch will be marked as valid. However, if an employee’s location is 10 meters inside the fence, and the accuracy is 15 meters, they will still be considered inside the fence.
Most devices use a combination of GPS and cell tower triangulation to get the most accurate location data possible, but there are some reasons why location data isn’t perfectly accurate. These include atmospheric interference, errors related to satellite positioning, as well as objects, like tall buildings, interfering with a clear view of the sky. For these reasons, geofencing factors in accuracy when judging whether a punch violates the fence.
Contact Payroll Partners if you have questions about geofencing or if you would like geofencing to be turned on in your TimeWorksPlus account.
This information is provided with the understanding that Payroll Partners is not rendering legal, human resources, or other professional advice or service. Professional advice on specific issues should be sought from a lawyer, HR consultant or other professional.