Payroll Tag

Legal hassles can arise when you give references for former employees. These former employees might turn around and sue your organization for defamation. Here's a quick review of the ins and outs of giving references for former employees. First the facts: Defamation involves communicating false information. Defamation...

Employee morale is a measurable, controllable expense. That's the position of Carol Hacker, author of "The High Cost of Low Morale." And according to Hacker, employers and workplace leaders "can beat the negativity that saps employees' energy." Employee morale involves the attitudes of individuals and groups...

The Federal Equal Pay Act (EPA) has been on the books for almost a half a century. President Kennedy signed the legislation in 1963, but it hasn't wiped out unequal pay — nor accusations about it. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has made a...

Paid time off (PTO) policies aren't new. The basic concept is to allot employees a fixed number of days into a PTO "bank" for which they can be paid while not working, without designating the time off as sick leave, vacation or personal days. A 2016...

Payroll processing is the core of any business. If you aren’t paying your workers, you soon won’t have a business. As companies grow, payroll becomes tougher to handle with taxes and compliance, which subsequently puts unwanted stress on the company. You may think that outsourcing your...

In 2016, the National Automated Clearing House Association (NACHA) reported that 82% of U.S. employees are paid by direct deposit, jumping from 74% in 2011. Clearly, direct deposit is on the rise. But you may be surprised to learn that, according to the NACHA survey, 64%...

A federal appellate court has upheld a lower court's ruling that a marketing call center wrongfully docked employees for breaks of 20 minutes or less during which they were logged off of their computers and didn't have to perform any work related duties [Secretary United...

If you run your business operations through two or more corporations, the different entities may share some of the same employees. In that case, you can save payroll taxes by using a Common Paymaster. Instead of having each business pay Social Security and Medicare tax for...

Paying employees means more than just issuing checks. Your company also needs to keep accurate records for current and past employees for a certain period of time. There are record requirements from both the IRS and the U.S. Department of Labor, which enforces employment rules...