Ministry Tag

Church staff often wear many hats and juggle countless responsibilities.  Create job descriptions to help keep church employees focused on the most important tasks that support ministry goals and objectives. Working for a church is very different than working for a business in that much of what gets...

Question:  Can we promote an employee to a newly created position without giving others a chance to apply? Answer: In most states, you don’t need to post an open position for all employees to see, but if your company has a policy or practice of posting internally,...

Seventy-five percent of employees have witnessed harassment in the workplace.  That’s not a small number. While many ministries think that they are immune to that kind of unsavory behavior, the unfortunate reality is that people are still people who make mistakes whether or not they...

A workweek is not the same thing as hours of operation. Rather, it defines the 168-hour period (i.e., seven 24-hour days) in which you track your non-exempt employees’ time to determine whether they’re owed any overtime. The workweek can start and end whenever you would like...