Human Resources Tag

Federal investigators with the Labor Department's Wage and Hour Division (WHD) routinely look for companies and organizations with illegal pay practices. The WHD enforces the federal minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, child labor and other requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act. When investigators uncover violations,...

More and more employers are using background checks as a regular part of the hiring process, and it's easy to understand why. When it comes to the need to protect your business, your workforce and your customers, the stakes are high. The Society for Human Resource...

Many business owners who have been penalized for labor law violations never realized they were noncompliant. But we all know that ignorance is no excuse. Here are common FLSA violations to avoid: 1. Misclassifying Employees   Any employer who fails to follow DOL rules regarding classification is risking...

We have good reason to suspect an employee has been stealing from the register. How should we respond? It is recommended that you suspend the employee and conduct an internal investigation. You may also want to report the theft to law enforcement depending on the circumstances. An...

Occasionally, employees want or need to be away from work after they have used up all their accrued vacation, paid sick leave, and paid personal time off. For example, an employee may be out collecting Workers' Compensation benefits for months, even a year or more. So,...

It's standard operating procedure for marketers to segment customers according to their value to the organization, to ensure that those who are most vital to the growth and profitability of a company are well-cared-for and don't disappear. The same needs to be done with regard...

Casual labor can be dangerous!   Hard to believe, but an administrative assistant wrote to an advice columnist. This person was frustrated looking for a new job and complained about "The Working Interview." It seems the applicant actually had worked two days at one company and three days at...