Human Resources Tag

Hurricanes, storms, tornadoes, blizzards, floods and other weather-related disasters can cause inclement weather closures. But even if one of these calamities causes your business to close, your employees must still be paid on their next regularly scheduled payday if they did any work during the...

Laying off employees alone will not fix a business that's in financial trouble. That's the conclusion of a series of studies of large corporations over nearly two decades, published in Perspectives on Work, a publication of the Industrial Relations Research Association. Studies concluded that mass layoffs have not...

What is the purpose of a performance improvement plan? Can’t we just terminate employment for poor performance? The use of a performance improvement plan (PIP) can help reduce the risk inherent in any termination. A PIP is used to help employees whose performance has slipped, become...

Federal investigators with the Labor Department's Wage and Hour Division (WHD) routinely look for companies and organizations with illegal pay practices. The WHD enforces the federal minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, child labor and other requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act. When investigators uncover violations,...

More and more employers are using background checks as a regular part of the hiring process, and it's easy to understand why. When it comes to the need to protect your business, your workforce and your customers, the stakes are high. The Society for Human Resource...

Many business owners who have been penalized for labor law violations never realized they were noncompliant. But we all know that ignorance is no excuse. Here are common FLSA violations to avoid: 1. Misclassifying Employees   Any employer who fails to follow DOL rules regarding classification is risking...