Human Resources Tag

Several employees have complained that one of our managers is regularly abrasive and rude, yelling at employees and sometimes insulting them. Could she be creating a hostile work environment? Possibly, but not necessarily. It sounds like this manager’s abrasive and rude manner has made employees feel...

Hurricanes, storms, tornadoes, blizzards, floods and other weather-related disasters can cause inclement weather closures. But even if one of these calamities causes your business to close, your employees must still be paid on their next regularly scheduled payday if they did any work during the...

Laying off employees alone will not fix a business that's in financial trouble. That's the conclusion of a series of studies of large corporations over nearly two decades, published in Perspectives on Work, a publication of the Industrial Relations Research Association. Studies concluded that mass layoffs have not...

What is the purpose of a performance improvement plan? Can’t we just terminate employment for poor performance? The use of a performance improvement plan (PIP) can help reduce the risk inherent in any termination. A PIP is used to help employees whose performance has slipped, become...