Human Resources Tag

First, the good news. The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) generally doesn't cover your employees' home offices. The Department of Labor (DOL) states that home-based workplaces aren't explicitly excluded by OSHA, but the law doesn't hold employers responsible for home offices and won't conduct inspections. An...

Definitions of the Millennial generation vary, but basically these are people who, today, range from 22 to 38 years old. Their distinctive characteristics are attributed to two primary factors: 1. Most were raised by highly attentive Baby Boomer parents, and 2. Instant communication via electronic technology has...

Job descriptions are not required by law, but they’re certainly great to have and serve several purposes. First, a job description, when accurately written, should reflect the actual work done. The applicant or employee can see what will be expected of them and to what they’ll...

Do we pay the minimum wage of the state where our headquarters is located or the state an employee does the work?   Good question. It comes up a lot with employers who have people working remotely or at a worksite in a different state. The answer...

Let's say one of your employees comes to you with a great idea. The employee tells you over the last eight months she's been working on solving a really perplexing challenge your firm has with an old product. It's not even in her job responsibilities,...

The mission of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is to enforce federal anti-discrimination laws. When it receives and investigates a complaint that it deems legitimate, it tries to iron out a resolution with the employer in lieu of going to court. If that fails,...

The Department of Labor has released a new proposed rule to increase the minimum salary that an employee must earn to be exempt from minimum wage and overtime under a white collar exemption. The Rule The proposed rule requires that salaried exempt executive, professional, administrative, and computer...