Human Resources Tag

If you want to get a snapshot of your organization’s efficiency and the health of its culture, look at your meetings. Are they efficient and productive? Do their results justify the time and expense? Are meetings an occasion for collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and team-building? Or are...

Terminations based on employees' Facebook posts (or posts on other social media sites) are nothing new. The pace of such firings reached such a crescendo three years ago that the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) issued a legal memorandum summarizing how it had ruled in a variety of...

Employee self-service is a web-based tool that allows employees to retrieve information and perform specific transactions from a central portal. In many organizations, this portal is used to deliver HR, payroll and timekeeping information. Over the years, ESS has blossomed into a global phenomenon, and is...

Under the Immigration Reform and Control Act, employers are required to examine certain documents, such as drivers' licenses, when they hire new employees. They must then record the information on I-9 forms and keep the documents for a specified period of time. Responsibilities   By law, employers must...

If your business has only one location, you need to worry about federal law and applicable state and local laws for only that single location. But if you're operating out of multiple states, you must heed federal law plus the rules for all the different...

We’ve seen a lot of employee turnover lately. Do you have any tips for increasing retention? Employee retention is one of the most difficult and expensive challenges faced by business owners, managers, and HR departments. Fortunately, the keys to retention are simple and straightforward, though certainly...