Clergy Tag

Like other corporate entities, churches encounter business activities that must be completed just before, or soon after, the end of the calendar year. Now is the time to make plans for these various tasks. The questions that follow can be used as a checklist for...

For clergy who are living permanently in a nursing home, they can use some (but not all) of their nursing home expenses for the housing allowance. For example, the rental cost of their room and the utilities are eligible for the housing allowance. The food...

Question: Am I required to pay overtime to employees who work on holidays? Answer: Generally, no. Whether you pay extra for work done on holidays is up to you. There is no federal law that requires an employer to pay extra. As for overtime, if an employee...

We’ve all inappropriately handled our emotions at work. We’ve either stuffed our emotions when we should have shared them or we’ve spewed emotions when we should have stayed silent. Venting in the workplace is important but there are things to consider: should you vent to...

Church HR requires a specific balance between compliance and culture and having gaps could cost you money and time, not to mention staff morale and relational capital with your congregation. If you’re juggling 17 different hats (including “HR” anything) but don’t have the time or...

Now that President Biden has announced student loan relief, the state tax treatment of forgiven loans is of interest to many ministers. Ministers who have student loans forgiven are spared a federal tax bill, but not all states treat forgiven loans the same. A forgiven loan amount is...

Question: Can we require staff to cover tattoos? Answer: Simply answered, yes. But we recommend following your written dress code policy on this matter, which is generally in your Staff Handbook. Tattoo policies usually depend on the culture of the organization and the image they want...

You cannot deduct the costs of taking a bus, trolley, subway, or taxi or driving a car between your home and your main church or regular place of work. These costs are personal commuting expenses. You cannot deduct commuting expenses no matter how far your...

Individual Coverage Health Reimbursement Arrangements (ICHRAs) first became available in 2021. ICHRAs allow employers to reimburse employees for individual health insurance coverage (or Medicare coverage) that employees obtain on their own. ICHRAs provide employers with an alternative to offering traditional group health insurance coverage to...