Church Tag

Frankly, I’ve met a lot of church leaders who are just weary. If that’s where you are, here are some warning signs it’s time to take a day off—whether you work for a church or a secular employer. You haven’t had a day off in...

Everyone has heard of HR. It’s associated with dull characters like “Toby” from The Office and words like “restructuring” and “evaluations” that only conjure up bad feelings in the pit of your stomach. But HR is significantly more encompassing and vital than that, especially for...

It depends. Different states have different labor laws that govern the amount of paid sick leave an employer is required to provide and how that time is accrued. As of January 1, 2024 California increased the number of sick leave employers of all sizes are required...

Employment verification can provide very valuable information about an applicant's work history. They usually consist of contacting an employer about their former employee's state date, end date and job title. If done strategically, though, you can glean even more valuable information! Try to schedule a...

Conflict is inevitable but, if left unresolved, can be a hindrance to productivity, safety, or could even escalate into harassment. Your organization's culture is crucial to effective conflict management. Here are four simple rules that can apply to all parties involved: BE NICE. Not only in words...

Yes, you can allow staff to choose their own schedule, including what their day off will be as long as you include this in the time off policy in your Staff Handbook. Staff that chose their own days off throughout the week often run into...

Staff development is the key to forward motion in any organization. If your people are your greatest asset, then their growth and success are your organization’s growth and success. When they stop growing, you can almost guarantee organizational growth will come to a screeching halt,...

While and IRS audit can be intimidating and the results will vary organization to organization, the full process is spelled out in IRS Publication 556. The basic steps are as follows: The IRS will contact you directly Though the IRS decides when, where, and how...

How do you say goodbye well?  While it's not the most fun part of team management, the need for occasional employee correction is inevitable. Whether employees are not meeting expressed expectations, have not improved after warnings or coaching, or have blatantly behaved in a way...