03 Oct Sample Housing Allowance for Pastors
Church boards can use the language below to create a resolution for a pastor who owns or rents a home:
The following resolution was duly adopted by the board of directors of [Name of Church] at a regularly scheduled meeting held on [Day/Month/Year], a quorum being present:
Whereas, ministers who own or rent their home do not pay federal income taxes on the amount of their compensation that their employing church designates in advance as a housing allowance, to the extent that the allowance represents compensation for ministerial services, is used to pay housing expenses, and does not exceed the fair rental value of the home (furnished, plus utilities); and
Whereas, Pastor [First/Last Name] is compensated by [Name of Church] exclusively for services as a minister of the gospel; and
Whereas, [Church Name] does not provide Pastor [First/Last Name] with a parsonage; therefore, it is hereby
Resolved, that the total compensation paid to Pastor [First/Last Name] for calendar year 20__ shall be [Pastor’s Compenstation $00,000,] of which [Amount $00,000] is hereby designated as a housing allowance; and it is further
Resolved, that the designation of [Amount $00,000] as a housing allowance shall apply to calendar year 20__ and all future years unless otherwise provided.
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This article was taken from Church Law & Tax July 2019 post with the same title.
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