08 Nov Reduce the Time it Takes To Prepare for Payroll With Automated Integration That Takes the Work out of Data Entry
Whether you pay your employees weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, payroll is relentless. It seems to roll around quicker each pay period. Then it requires at least a full day of ignoring important tasks to meet the deadline. If you’re like most managers or small business owners, this can result in your own unplanned overtime.
Sound familiar?
Automated time and labor can ease the payroll burden with something that is as straightforward as it is powerful: integration.
With integration, data from your timekeeping software can flow to your payroll software. This process is automatic and not only saves time, it increases accuracy because it prevents errors inherent to manual entry. With a simple export, your time tracking system can deliver a ready-made data packet to payroll and–voila!– payroll is ready to run.
The Cost of Manual Data Entry
There is at least a 2%-3% error rate in manual data entry and spreadsheet management. When timekeeping software updates timecards as employees punch in for shifts, you protect your payroll from human error. And the software doesn’t just add hours worked, it can track PTO, overtime, sick leave, tips and job codes.
Case Study: Nonprofit Payroll Manager Gains 26 Hours a Month!
A nonprofit based in Tustin, California adopted automated timekeeping integrated with payroll. For years, the payroll manager had been spending an hour a day gathering and reconciling timecards. When they got an automated system, it freed up over 26 hours every month in payroll prep. Plus, they reduced paycheck errors which can inflate labor costs up to 8%.
Interested in Automated Time and Labor to Help You Save Money? Call us today.
To learn exactly how much you can save with automated time and labor, try our Time and Attendance ROI Calculator.
This information is provided with the understanding that Payroll Partners is not rendering legal, human resources, or other professional advice or service. Professional advice on specific issues should be sought from a lawyer, HR consultant or other professional.