How An Employer ID Number (EIN) Works
If you have a company, you need an Employee ID Number (EIN). There are various ways to apply for an EIN, including online...
If you have a company, you need an Employee ID Number (EIN). There are various ways to apply for an EIN, including online...
HR regulations and requirements are constantly changing. Here’s a summary of the latest Federal and state updates that may impact businesses in your...
What is an I-9? Also called an Employment Eligibility Verification form, the I-9 verifies (1) a new employee’s identity and (2) their right...
"To prosper over time," Laurence Fink, CEO of BlackRock, once wrote in a public letter, "every company must not only deliver financial performance...
Because small businesses often have limited assets, it's vital that they prioritize their human resource objectives. Staffing, budgeting, legal compliance and outsourcing are...
Once people complete and file their tax return, many of them eagerly await any refund they may be owed. No matter how a...
Over three years have passed since the start of the COVID-19 public health emergency in January of 2020. We have come a long...
If the church or religious organization reimburses or advances the employee for business expenses, but the arrangement does not satisfy the three requirements...
Make sure you’re calculating overtime on a workweek basis, not a pay period basis. Non-exempt employees must be paid time and a half...
The male-female pay gap is persistent. Women earn only 83 cents for every dollar a man makes. The National Committee on Pay Equity launched...