Help Your Church Track Employee Hours More Efficiently
Start saving time and avoid costly errors by automatically calculating total hours worked. Here are five time-saving things your church can do when implementing time sheets or...
Start saving time and avoid costly errors by automatically calculating total hours worked. Here are five time-saving things your church can do when implementing time sheets or...
Maximize Profit And Reduce Expenses A business is like a ship or a shark—take your pick. A ship has to have all hands on...
One critical component of regulatory compliance is proper recordkeeping. There are over 20 laws that affect employers and every one calls for some...
Most employers have at least a few employees that they classify as exempt from minimum wage and overtime, but many don’t realize that...
To start Onboarding, the first place you go to is Onboard Prep to begin the onboarding process and get the new hire’s preliminary information into...
Only Ministers for Tax Purposes are eligible for a housing allowance on their ministerial earnings. Church custodians, secretaries and ministerial staff who are...
Has your company outgrown your time and attendance system? Have you been searching for something to increase productivity and efficiency for your organization?...
What do you advise regarding screening social media accounts during the hiring process? We strongly recommend against reviewing a candidate’s social media accounts during...
Dynamic fields are dependent upon the dates they were entered or changed. Effective dating enables users to edit and audit changes to dynamic...
Generally, any expense to provide or maintain the home can be used to justify the housing exclusion. Regulations do specifically state that expenses...