Tax reform brings changes to fringe benefits that can affect an employer’s bottom line
The IRS reminds employers that several programs have been affected as a result of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act passed last year....
The IRS reminds employers that several programs have been affected as a result of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act passed last year....
Time card approvals can overwhelm managers who do it the old school way. Totaling hours by hand on paper timesheets is a waste...
Yes, it is completely permissible for non-exempt employees to manage other non-exempt employees. In fact, employers are under no obligation to classify employees...
When an existing terminated employee is being rehired, you can update the employee’s status from Terminated to Active using the Rehire process in...
Determining the correct social security tax for clergy is often confusing. Clergy pay social security tax under the Self-Employment Contributions Act (SECA), not under...
A federal appellate court has upheld a lower court's ruling that a marketing call center wrongfully docked employees for breaks of 20 minutes...
Today's post is a case study of a Chinese buffet restaurant chain that increased profitability with TimeWorksTouch schedule enforcement. The eight location restaurant...
Assuming there is no contract or agreement to the contrary, you’re not required to keep an employee on during their resignation notice period...
Users with the proper security access can perform the Terminate Employee process. Only Base Admin users have the permissions to terminate an employee. You can...
As part of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that went into effect in January 2018, there is a new “parking tax” that...