
Are You Compliant?   Is your business at risk for fines or sanctions in case of a labor audit? By answering the following questions, you can better identify your current labor audit liability. Are Your Timekeeping Procedures Sufficient?   Are employee time and attendance records accurate and accessible? Are...

The Fair Labor Standards Act requires that you keep accurate records of nonexempt employees' hours worked. As a result, you developed a timekeeping system. However, there may be times when your employees' time sheets need to be adjusted. Are you allowed to make the change? ...

How can you keep track of employee hours without going crazy? There are so many things to consider and more regulations every day. And now with the new overtime rules, more personnel who never had to track hours are going to be good and hopping...

Besides the Fair Labor Standards Act's (FLSA) regular overtime law, there are rules for overtime exemptions, fluctuating workweeks, weighted average and premium pay. Standard Overtime   Nonexempt employees must receive overtime pay — at 1.5 times their regular rate of pay — for  working over 40 hours in...

Below are five types of employee leave that sometimes fly under employers’ radar: 1. Bereavement leave   Bereavement leave lets employees take time off to mourn the loss of a loved one — usually an immediate family member or a close relative. Employees can use the time off...

There are many ways to run afoul of overtime laws. Below are some of the most common — review them to ensure that you're always in compliance. Misclassifying exempt and nonexempt employees   Under the Fair Labor Standards Act, exempt employees do not have to be paid overtime...

Time and labor (also called time and attendance) involves tracking employees' start and end times, early departures, late arrivals, breaks taken and absenteeism. Payroll involves, among other things, making sure employees are paid correctly based on their time-labor records. The two functions are enmeshed, but at...

There are a lot of misunderstandings about what employers have to do — as opposed to what is simply customary — for nonexempt employees ("Nonexempt" generally refers to employees who are not managerial and who thus are generally subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act—commonly...

In August 2020, the U.S. Department of Labor released Field Assistance Bulletin No. 2020-5. The bulletin addresses "Employers' obligation to exercise reasonable diligence in tracking teleworking employees' hours of work." While the bulletin covers issues arising directly from the COVID-19 pandemic, it also applies to remote...

While labor expenses are not something that employers can completely eliminate, we have yet to encounter a business that cannot find ways to reduce them. A reduction in labor costs provides an immediate monetary benefit, so it's easy to measure the ROI. One reason that...