Time & Attendance

Start by asking employees why they are clocking in early. That information will help you determine whether the issue could be solved with a simple conversation or whether there are other factors at play you may need to address. If employees are simply unaware of your...

Companies are introducing sabbaticals for long-term employees to use for personal projects that take more time than a vacation affords. Professional development, community service and travel are packed into sabbaticals. Leave is often awarded in tenure-based increments — one or two weeks for every year of...

A leave donation or leave-sharing program is a voluntary, employer-offered benefit that allows employees to donate accrued hours of paid leave (vacation, sick leave, etc.) to a “leave bank.” Other employees can apply to receive the donated, paid leave hours when they experience a medical emergency or major disaster...

Whether you run a small “mom and pop” type of business or a fast-growing company with a large number of employees, you can benefit from utilizing an automated timekeeping system. Why would a company need timekeeping to be automated? When you sign up with a timekeeping...

Every company is aware of time clock abuse, but each company handles this issue differently. Furthermore, wasted company time can come from many areas, such as stretched-out lunch breaks, unjustified sick leave, and excessive socializing among co-workers. Recent Study Revealed...

Flu season can detrimentally affect the workplace unless your organization finds a way to be prepared and cope. Here are three basic ways you can get ahead of it: Provide Plenty of Sick Time  Sick employees often still come to work because they don't want...

A recent business survey revealed even the most honest employees are stealing by taking a few minutes here and there to "ensure" they get paid for extra time - or an extra 8% to 15% or more each pay period. And when you factor in...

While unlimited PTO policies are a relatively recent invention, they have quickly caught on. By 2023, 8% of organizations offered unlimited PTO. Thanks to the tight labor market, that number is likely to keep growing. Unlimited PTO can boost your talent acquisition, increase productivity, and improve employee...

When severe weather strikes, you may have very little time to act. Communication with employees won’t be timely and may not even be possible. Commuting to and from the worksite—and the worksite itself—might not be safe. You need a plan. Is your organization prepared for severe...