Time & Attendance

Once Geofencing has been setup, you can easily identify employees that have used the mobile app to clock in and out beyond the boundaries of their defined location. This article explains how to view the punch data and factors that can affect the accuracy of Geofencing. View...

If your small business doesn’t already use time-tracking and attendance software, you could be missing out. Time-tracking apps can enhance your time-keeping accuracy and make your workplace more efficient. Many payroll functions legally must be recorded and tracked, so the right software can make your...

Question:   How Can I see an audit of who edited a specific timecard? Answer:  It is possible to see edits that were made to a timecard, ranging from the type of edit it was to the login that performed the edit. Open the employee...

Question:  What should we include in an attendance policy? Answer:  Generally, an attendance policy should outline your attendance expectations, the procedures your employees should follow if they’re going to be late or absent, and the consequences when your policy isn’t followed. Your expectations should include how you...

Managing payroll and handling other tasks for your clients is much more challenging without access to complete and accurate data. Utilizing systems that track employee time is vital to saving time, reducing costs, and building a stronger relationship with your clients. Payroll accuracy will improve...

Managing company time can be a challenging task, especially if you are using manual timecards. Having automated employee time clocks helps to track employee hours, streamline administrative tasks, and ensure accuracy in recorded work hours. Why Opt For Employee Time Clocks: Accuracy - An...

For businesses in regions like Upstate New York, winter isn’t just a season—it’s a force to reckon with. Snowstorms, icy roads, and unpredictable weather can wreak havoc, not only on commutes but also on workplace operations. At one mid-sized firm, this reality hit hard. Every January,...

Start by asking employees why they are clocking in early. That information will help you determine whether the issue could be solved with a simple conversation or whether there are other factors at play you may need to address. If employees are simply unaware of your...

Companies are introducing sabbaticals for long-term employees to use for personal projects that take more time than a vacation affords. Professional development, community service and travel are packed into sabbaticals. Leave is often awarded in tenure-based increments — one or two weeks for every year of...