
Payroll is a core feature of all businesses, and it is very important as it heavily impacts the morale of employees. After all, if employees aren't paid appropriately for their work, you can expect them to leave. Payroll also impacts a number of business processes, including...

Question: Are we required to pay summer interns? Answer: It depends on whether the worker is considered an employee. The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has adopted the primary beneficiary test to determine whether a worker is an employee or an intern. If the worker primarily benefits...

Is your state’s minimum wage increasing? We’ve organized the latest minimum wage updates, effective July 1, below alphabetically by state so you can scan the list and see if you need to update your payroll! California: Alameda: $15.75 Berkeley:$16.99 Emeryville: $17.68 Fremont: $16.00 Foster City:...

Payroll compliance is about meeting your payroll obligations as required by law. Click through to learn how your organization can stay compliant. 1. Federal wage and hour laws The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) sets federal wage and hour standards, which are administered by the U.S....

Are you benefiting from all the insights about your workforce contained within your payroll system? With the right reports and analysis, your payroll data can teach you how to help your organization improve workforce compliance, employee experience, and recruiting success. In this article, we’ll discuss the...

The way we work and where we work has been transformed. Many businesses are adopting flexible work arrangements to address talent shortages, reduce costs, optimize real estate, and support expansion. Attracting and retaining the best talent today sometimes means agreeing to non-traditional remote working arrangements....

Email scammers are defrauding companies by targeting Human Resources. As a business services provider, you can help your clients protect their companies. Let’s talk about HR and payroll scams. The FBI calls this type of fraud business email compromise (BEC) or business email spoofing (BES). As a...

To determine the appropriate salary for your new hires and employees, start by setting a range for how much an employee in each position should be paid. The salary range can be based on your expectations and the amount of past work experience that you...

Generally not. The National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) grants all non-supervisory employees (not just those in unions) the right to organize and engage in “concerted activity” for the purpose of mutual aid or protection. Concerted means “in concert,” meaning more than one employee is involved....

On Oct. 29, 2021, the U.S. Department of Labor published a final rule reviving and modifying the 80/20 rule for tipped employees. Note that the 80/20 rule governs the basis on which tipped employees must be paid under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Under the...