
During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, a more flexible workplace was established that included new boundaries for paid and unpaid leave. Temporary federal legislation delivered financial protections for workers who needed to quarantine or care for others during the health crisis. Those stopgap provisions...

Today we want to discuss our Time & Labor Management Suite: WorkforceHUB and how it can contribute to the overall success of your business. No matter what industry you are in, you are looking for ways to be more profitable. We are excited about our Time &...

Do your employees take time off? Of course they do; that was a rhetorical question. Everyone takes time off, and that's why absence management is so critical for today's workforce management. Employees take time off for a variety of reasons. Time off can include everything from...

Occasionally, employees want or need to be away from work after they have used up all their accrued vacation, paid sick leave, and paid personal time off. For example, an employee may be out collecting Workers' Compensation benefits for months, even a year or more. So,...

Non-profit organizations are continually searching for ways to reduce expenses and use employees and volunteers more effectively. WorkforceHUB™ is an affordable Workforce Management system provided for the unique needs of 501(c) organizations such as churches, charitable organizations, Chambers of Commerce, and credit unions. TimeWorksPlus, TimeSimplicity, and...

Time off Request Employee Steps   From the ESS Portal, click on “Request Time Off,” and follow the steps on the page to submit a time off request. Click on the “Instructions” arrow (>) for a general overview of the “Time off Request” process. Click on the...

The Time Off Request feature allows employees to request time off through the Employee Self Service portal (ESS). Their designated supervisor can approve, reject, or conditionally approve the request through the timekeeping app. This article explains the process of handling employee requests as well as additional details related to time off, like...