Human Resources

When measuring employee performance, the goal is to focus on meaningful data that allows you to determine employee profitability. Based on this data, you'll know whether employees are having a positive or negative impact on the bottom line and then be able to decide how...

Most companies try to save money and improve efficiency by automating workflows. Especially when advanced software, machinery, and outsourcing becomes economical. Why Is Human Resources Stuck in 1995?   Curiously, some businesses neglect Human Resources in the quest for efficiency. Maybe they just overlook this department. Perhaps it...

Are you a recordkeeping pack rat? Many individuals and businesses hold onto paper and digital records indefinitely — just in case. But securely storing years of financial records can become burdensome. Here's some guidance to help minimize recordkeeping overload. Personal Tax Records   Most tax advisors recommend that...

We’re thinking of requiring employees to keep tattoos covered. Is this something we can do? What considerations should we make? Yes, you may prohibit visible tattoos entirely or you may simply prohibit those that are offensive, distracting, inappropriate, or over a certain size. Tattoo policies usually depend...

Shift differential refers to the extra, or premium, pay that certain employees receive for working outside normal business hours. For example, if normal business hours run from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., shift differential would apply to hours worked between 5 p.m. and 8 a.m. Shift...

Some state minimum wage adjustments are tied to the consumer price index, but otherwise, cost-of-living raises are not required by state or federal law. You just need to make sure you’re paying any applicable state and municipal minimum wages. That said, if the cost of...

If you want to get a snapshot of your organization’s efficiency and the health of its culture, look at your meetings. Are they efficient and productive? Do their results justify the time and expense? Are meetings an occasion for collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and team-building? Or are...

Because of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), employers and employees may now be expected to have a greater understanding of health care vocabulary. Some terms are new under the ACA, but many have been around for a long time and are still not fully understood....