Human Resources

CNN - President Donald Trump on Saturday signed an extension of the small business loan Paycheck Protection Program into law, according to the White House. House lawmakers unanimously passed the extension less than a day after the program expired, and PPP will now remain open to applications through August...

Right now, organizations across the country are asking themselves what they can do to make their workplaces more inclusive, diverse, and equitable, particularly for Black employees. They’re hosting conversations, acknowledging areas where they’ve fallen short, and identifying opportunities for improvement. For these efforts to be successful,...

Most businesses use Excel for HR functions. And some use Excel for ALL HR functions. Excel is powerful, no doubt about it. Twenty-five years ago it was the only game in town. But there are better options today. Payroll Partners has solutions for all of your HR...

The Supreme Court of the United States has ruled that employers may not discriminate based on sexual orientation or gender identity in employment. This decision affects all employers with 15 or more employees. The decision was a response to three separate cases, all of which were...

As COVID-19 continues spreading, the Texas Workforce Commission says out-of-work Texans will have to prove they are searching for work to receive unemployment benefits beginning July 6. Texans receiving unemployment benefits will once again have to prove they have searched for jobs or tried to reopen...

Usually, when companies begin moving from an office-based to a virtual model, they do it gradually, with plenty of planning and training. However, thanks to COVID-19, many businesses are seeing the need to quickly empty out offices and send everyone home to keep the virus from...

Pivoting in Uncertain Times   Uncertainty is uncomfortable—and inspirational. Companies across America are pivoting to meet new demand and rethink operations. They combine creativity, determination, and technology to retool, retrench and rebuild. New production lines, online shops, takeout, curbside service, home delivery, remote work, drive-by clinics and...