Human Resources

As of September 1st, Texas prohibits sexual harassment in workplaces of all sizes. Federal and Texas law already prohibited sexual harassment in employment for employers with 15 or more employees. Sexual harassment can include (but isn’t limited to) unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, offensive...

We recommend having five separate files for each employee, as outlined below: • I-9 file: Keep all Form I-9s in a separate master file or three-ring binder. • Medical file: This file should contain everything related to an employee’s medical history, including health insurance enrollment forms. It’s...

Can we ask for proof of vaccination? Isn’t this a HIPAA violation or an illegal inquiry under the ADA or somehow confidential information?   Employers can ask for proof of vaccination unless there is a state or local law or order to the contrary.* When an employer is...

Retroactive, or retro, pay is money due to an employee for work already performed but paid at a lower rate. Most commonly, it is linked to late performance appraisals, in which the employee received a pay increase that took effect in a prior pay period. Employees...

Tax withholding is a seemingly inevitable part of working, but there are exceptions, as shown by the following information about employees exempt from withholding. Student employees   Generally, individuals employed by a school, college or university where they are also pursuing a course of study do not have...

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, "68.9% of the estimated 22.4 million illicit drug users, ages 18 or older, are employed full or part time." The chances of an employee having a substance abuse problem are higher in certain industries, such...