Housing Allowance

A minister cannot claim housing expenses for the months they are not employed as a minister. Section 107 of the Internal Revenue Code specifies that the rental value of a home furnished to a minister as part of their compensation, or a rental allowance paid to...

A minister’s housing (or parsonage) allowance under IRC 107 is excludable from gross income only to the extent it is used to rent or otherwise provide a bona fide “home”—that is, a dwelling place complete with the usual amenities (such as furnishings and, for example, a...

The IRS guidelines on designating a housing allowance for clergy are detailed and specific. Here is a comprehensive overview: Designation of Housing Allowance Advance Designation Requirement: The housing allowance must be officially designated in advance of payment by the employing church or other qualified organization....

When your board declares your annual clergy housing allowance, they must declare a specific dollar amount or percent as the housing allowance. The designation must be made in advance of the payment. A general declaration that you have a housing allowance without naming a specific...

Question:  Our minister would like to increase his housing allowance due to higher expenses than expected. Can our board amend it? Answer:   Yes, your church can amend the housing allowance, but you must pay attention to the following rules: Proper authorization: The amended housing allowance...

Question: Can all church employees qualify for housing allowance? Answer:   No. Section 107 of the Internal Revenue Code allows only a “minister of the gospel” to have a housing allowance. Thus, only taxpayers who are serving as clergy under IRS rules for tax purposes are eligible for...

There are no standard amounts for housing allowance as a whole. The IRS guidelines say to use the fair market rental value of your housing and housing expenses (i.e., gas, electric, cable, etc.). There are housing allowance worksheets to help pastors figure out the...