
Most churches will issue a Form W-2 to a minister for their compensation if the minister is considered an employee of the church. The determination of whether a minister is an employee or an independent contractor is crucial in deciding whether to issue Form W-2...

Question:  Our minister would like to increase his housing allowance due to higher expenses than expected. Can our board amend it? Answer:   Yes, your church can amend the housing allowance, but you must pay attention to the following rules: Proper authorization: The amended housing allowance...

Clergy are subject to self-employment tax because their earnings from ministerial services are considered self-employment income under the Self-Employment Contributions Act (SECA). This classification is based on several key provisions and interpretations of the Internal Revenue Code and related regulations. Definition of Net Earnings from...

It isn’t a question of if your staff is experiencing burnout, but how many of them are already burnt out. Most people don’t even know it. They think they don’t have time to look closely and deal with it; they ignore warning signs, writing them off...

With the Department of Labor's upcoming rule changes, church employers must prepare for the new salary threshold for exempt employees, rising to $58,656 on January 1, 2025.   However, clergy staff—those considered ministers for tax purposes—are exempt from overtime requirements, regardless of how much or...

All meal expenses for church pastors and staff should not automatically be reimbursed. The reimbursement of meal expenses must comply with specific IRS guidelines to ensure they are deductible and not considered taxable income. Here are the key considerations: Business Connection: The meal expenses must...

Question: Can all church employees qualify for housing allowance? Answer:   No. Section 107 of the Internal Revenue Code allows only a “minister of the gospel” to have a housing allowance. Thus, only taxpayers who are serving as clergy under IRS rules for tax purposes are eligible for...

Church salary increases are not keeping up with the rate of inflation. For ministry employees, this means the money they are bringing home, even if it is more than it was last year, isn’t going as far as it used to. As costs of housing, groceries,...

Seventy-five percent of employees have witnessed harassment in the workplace.  That’s not a small number. While many ministries think that they are immune to that kind of unsavory behavior, the unfortunate reality is that people are still people who make mistakes whether or not they...