Author: Margie Reed

The Fair Labor Standards Act requires that you keep accurate records of nonexempt employees' hours worked. As a result, you developed a timekeeping system. However, there may be times when your employees' time sheets need to be adjusted. Are you allowed to make the change? ...

Studies show that the vast majority of employers use payroll software, which saves time by automating manual processes and decreasing administrative labor. The software calculates gross-to-net wages and enables direct deposit payments. However, there's more to payroll than paying wages. To meet your other payroll needs, the...

There are many reasons a business owner may choose to close their doors, and there are many things that must be done to go out of business. Two important steps all business owners must take are fulfilling their federal tax responsibilities and informing the IRS...

The term leave can refer to just about any type of time away from work, but it’s often used to describe time an employee is entitled to take by law or company policy. Common leave entitlements include vacation, personal days, and sick days. Other forms...

The short answer to this question is yes.  Unlike non-clergy employees, clergy do not have Social Security or Medicare taxes taken out of their paycheck. The Church also does not pay any matching portion to IRS, so the Minister has to pay both halves, the...

Your business must comply with the minimums for calculating and paying overtime as required by federal and state laws. The Wage and Hour Division of the U.S. Department of Labor regulates overtime pay using the Fair Labor Standards Act, which requires that hourly employees who...

Even if your business has only a few employees, you may be considering outsourcing your payroll processing to a specialist. What can a payroll processing service do for you? It can help keep you compliant. You may have employees in more than one state and...

The governor of Texas recently issued an executive order that prevents employers from “compelling” an employee to get vaccinated if the employee objects for certain reasons. The law does not prohibit employers from mandating or encouraging vaccines, but does require that they provide exemptions from...

How does a church go about determining the amounts it should pay its ministers and other employees? Church boards, or those to whom they delegate, must determine what amounts to pay each staff position. The experience and competence of those making the decisions vary greatly...