Author: Margie Reed

If you are in construction, you've got to schedule work crews efficiently. TimeSimplicity is the top time tracking app for construction. It makes work crew scheduling easy. After all, construction projects live or die by scheduling. New organizations that start out doing one project...

The Social Security Administration reviews key numbers each year and usually makes adjustments. In a recent release, the SSA announced what is and is not changing for 2022. Here are the key changes: The maximum taxable earnings for the Social Security portion rises from $142,800 to $147,000....

The tax law allows businesses to deduct expenses that help them bring in new customers and keep existing ones. These costs may include expenses for advertising and marketing. Here are some details about this valuable tax deduction that can help small businesses save money on...

2022 is almost here! December is a great time of year to update your housing allowance for the following year. Here are five quick facts about designating a housing allowance: The housing allowance designation can only be made for the future, not retroactively. This is...

Daylight Saving Time (DST) is the practice of pushing the clock forward 1 hour during the summer so that daylight in the evening lasts longer. Each year, DST starts on the second Sunday of March and ends on the first Sunday of November. For example, on...

A salary, or wage, advance is a type of short-term loan from an employer to an employee. The employee receiving the advance must pay back the money within a specified time frame, as dictated by the company's salary advance policy. Under federal law, employers can make...

What is the point of an office? In past generations, people went into the office because they had specialized equipment and files — in other words, offices were the only places where people could work. But now, most people have home computers that are as...

A Clergy Staff Member is a person who has been granted ecclesiastical authority by an association, denomination, or state through the rite of ordination, commissioning, or licensing. Generally, an ordained minister has a Master of Divinity from an accredited theological school and is recognized through...