Author: Margie Reed

Today’s message focuses on workforce planning. Specifically, the financial rewards for new business owners that use TimeWorksPlus. TimeWorksPlus is an affordable, easy to use employee timekeeping system from Payroll Partners. In addition to helping you efficiently manage employees, it helps you lower the biggest costs when starting...

Regardless of whether your first payroll involves a few employees or many, the goal is to execute payroll in an accurate and compliant manner. Here are some steps to help you manage your first payroll. Get an EIN and perform the necessary state registrations. Obtain an Employer...

If you haven’t had previous issues with this employee’s performance, I wouldn’t worry too much about his taking a second job. Side jobs are common, and many people manage them just fine. You can certainly reiterate your performance expectations, whether that’s completing assignments on time,...

Housing Allowance Resolution Sample  The following is a sample resolution to be adopted by the board of directors of any organization which employs a “minister” as defined by the IRS: Whereas, section 107 of the Internal Revenue Code specifies that the amount of ministers’ compensation that is...

Still using pen and paper? Have you considered how much manual timekeeping costs a business? Employee Time Theft Paper timecard systems can be exploited in a number of ways from hours padding to buddy punching. Some large employers who switch to an automated system are...

Below are federal payroll tax rates and benefits contribution limits for 2022. Social Security tax In 2022, the Social Security tax rate is 6.2% for employers and employees, unchanged from 2021. The Social Security wage base is $147,000 for employers and employees, increasing from $142,800 in 2021. Self-employed people must...

While it is true that ministers, and other church employees, may earn less than those performing similar jobs requiring similar skills in the secular world, there are unique tax advantages that can help offset the compensation differences. One of the greatest advantages for church workers...