Author: Margie Reed

An employee who resigns with two weeks' notice may think they are doing you a favor. But in fact, it can be a payroll headache, especially if you listen to some of the misinformation you may have heard about two-week notices. For example, you may...

The total of all salary deferrals a participant makes to various retirement plans – including 401(k), 403(b), SARSEP and SIMPLE IRA plans – is limited to $19,500 (plus an additional $6,500 if age 50 or over) for 2021. If you exceed this limit for 2021, you...

If you work in HR, you know that employee burnout remains pervasive. You also know that the task of supporting overly stressed employees often falls on your shoulders. But you’re exhausted too. Burnout isn’t just a problem you have to help others solve; you also...

We occasionally receive a love offering for our senior pastor or other staff members. How should we handle these gifts? The phrase ‘love offering’ does not appear in the federal income tax code or Treasury Regulations. It seldom appears in court cases. Still, love offerings have...

In most circumstances, employers must pay overtime to nonexempt employees who work more than 40 hours a week. (In some states, overtime is more than 8 hours a day.) But not everyone qualifies for overtime pay. In most cases, the line is drawn between hourly...

Paperless payroll is a paper-free payroll process that has become hugely popular in recent years. But despite the groundswell of support for paperless payroll solutions, employers should examine the details before making the switch. Six pros of paperless payroll Electronic storage — Stores payroll documents...

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has withdrawn its vaccine-or-test Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) for employers with 100 or more employees. This is the official end of the ETS—employers do not need to comply with it. OSHA is still proceeding with a permanent COVID standard...

The designated housing allowance may be reflected on Form W-2 in Box 14 with the notation, “Housing Allowance.” Though not required, this reporting method is suggested by Publication 517. Or, a church can report the designated housing allowance to a minister by providing a statement separate...

If you have hourly workers, your organization may be leaking cash unnecessarily. I’m talking about time theft. It can be just as expensive as employees stealing merchandise. Time Theft Is Widespread Among Hourly Workers Time theft comes in many flavors. One flavor is hours padding. Many...