Author: Margie Reed

Question: Can we ask references about an applicant’s previous use of sick time? We’d like to get a sense of their reliability. Answer: No, you shouldn’t make any inquiries into an applicant’s history of calling in sick. Asking about absences because of illness or injury before...

How accurate are your employees’ job descriptions? Most places might have one during the application process but by the time you are one year in your responsibilities have morphed so many times, that it’s unrecognizable. Some organizations take the opposite approach making a description so...

No small business should limp along with a paper-based leave approval process. Why? First off, it is a time drain for the manager who already has a lot on their plate. Secondly, manual processes are vulnerable to human error. Thirdly, it detracts from the overall...

Orientation formally introduces the new hire to the company — including its mission, culture, values, vision, policies, procedures and fringe benefits. Training equips the new hire with the knowledge he or she needs to perform the job satisfactorily. Should the new hire be paid for time...

A 2020 report from Reuters revealed that the number of remote employees worldwide is expected to double in 2021. Further, in a survey by LaSalle Network, 77% of executives said they expected to be following a hybrid model in 12 months, having some employees work...

Apple’s director of machine learning (Artificial Intelligence), Ian Goodfellow, resigned from his role just four years after joining Apple and returned to Google. Why? In his email to his team he said the change is due in part to Apple’s requirement that staff return to the...

Paid Time Off is an important benefit for employees and job seekers. If a generous PTO program helps you attract talent, you need to make sure employees can actually use it once they are hired. A confusing PTO process, or a culture that discourages vacations...

If your payroll provider handles your payroll-processing responsibilities, you might not see the need to learn the ins and outs of calculating net pay. But imagine an employee seeking clarification on his or her take-home pay — do you know all the details? It's important to...

Employers, including certain tax-exempt employers, may be eligible for the work opportunity tax credit if they hire individuals who face employment barriers. Work Opportunity Tax Credit This is a one-time credit for each new hire. To claim the credit, employers must file Form 8850, Pre-Screening...