Author: Margie Reed

The male-female pay gap is persistent. Women earn only 83 cents for every dollar a man makes. The National Committee on Pay Equity launched Equal Pay Day to illustrate this gap. In 2023, this day falls on Tuesday, March 14, 2023. This represents how long women...

Who counts as an employee versus an independent contractor may be about to change. A DOL proposal suggests revamping employee classification, reclassifying workers who are economically dependent on a company as employees entitled to more benefits and legal protections. The DOL has received 12,469 comments on...

Question:  We are considering having a different employee handbook for our exempt and nonexempt employees. Can we have multiple versions of our employee handbook? Answer:    There’s no rule against having multiple employee handbooks, but there are some factors to consider. Having multiple versions would lead...

A church or religious organization is treated like any other employer as far as the tax rules on employee business expenses. The rules differ depending upon whether the expenses are paid through an accountable or non-accountable plan, and these plans determine whether the payment for...

Any employer knows the importance of staying current on the constant changes in the business world. One important trait that successful employers share is knowledge of the state, federal, and local laws pertaining to their business.   This includes paid leave laws; or laws in place...

When you hire someone to work for you, the worker will likely be considered either an employee or an independent contractor. Usually, you will decide whether you want to onboard an employee or simply hire a contractor prior to advertising for the available position. That...

Since the Fall of 2022, the IRS has issued several warnings to employers to beware of third parties promoting improper Employee Retention Credit (ERC) claims. See IRS IR-2023-40 (Mar. 7, 2023); IRS IR-2022-183 (Oct. 19, 2022); COVID Tax Tip 2022-170 (Nov. 7, 2022). With tax...

Breastfeeding employees who are returning to work usually know how much extra work pumping is going to be. They’ve thought about the bulky pump and its multiple attachments, how they can bring it into and out of the workplace inconspicuously, whether they’ll have time and...

Summer months aren’t too far away and college students everywhere are already searching for that perfect internship to help build their resume. Besides the college credit, though, internships help develop and grow the next generation of ministry leaders. So how do you set them up...