Author: Margie Reed

"To prosper over time," Laurence Fink, CEO of BlackRock, once wrote in a public letter, "every company must not only deliver financial performance but also show how it makes a positive contribution to society." Employee volunteer programs help you align with your corporate vision by...

Because small businesses often have limited assets, it's vital that they prioritize their human resource objectives. Staffing, budgeting, legal compliance and outsourcing are top HR & payroll goals to consider. Staffing To save money, some small employers add HR tasks to the workload of employees who...

Once people complete and file their tax return, many of them eagerly await any refund they may be owed. No matter how a taxpayer plans to use their tax refund, knowing fact from fiction can help manage expectations as they wait for their money. This...

If the church or religious organization reimburses or advances the employee for business expenses, but the arrangement does not satisfy the three requirements of an accountable plan, the amounts paid to the employees are considered wages subject to FICA taxes and income tax withholding, if...

The male-female pay gap is persistent. Women earn only 83 cents for every dollar a man makes. The National Committee on Pay Equity launched Equal Pay Day to illustrate this gap. In 2023, this day falls on Tuesday, March 14, 2023. This represents how long women...

Who counts as an employee versus an independent contractor may be about to change. A DOL proposal suggests revamping employee classification, reclassifying workers who are economically dependent on a company as employees entitled to more benefits and legal protections. The DOL has received 12,469 comments on...

Question:  We are considering having a different employee handbook for our exempt and nonexempt employees. Can we have multiple versions of our employee handbook? Answer:    There’s no rule against having multiple employee handbooks, but there are some factors to consider. Having multiple versions would lead...

A church or religious organization is treated like any other employer as far as the tax rules on employee business expenses. The rules differ depending upon whether the expenses are paid through an accountable or non-accountable plan, and these plans determine whether the payment for...