Author: Margie Reed

Tracking employee time is an essential task for all organizations with hourly workers. The hours worked determine how much each employee gets paid. But while tracking time is a must, there are multiple ways to record and calculate hours. In this article, we’ll explore five...

Question:  How do we handle pay for an employee out on military leave? Answer:   Employees on military leave are due the same rights and benefits (when not determined by seniority) as nonmilitary employees who take any comparable form of leave. Comparable is not well defined, but...

Sometimes the line between having a hobby and running a business can be confusing, but knowing the difference is important because hobbies and businesses are treated differently when it’s time to file a tax return. The biggest difference between the two is that businesses operate...

Question:  A candidate told us they have a disability.  What do we need to do? Answer:  We recommend asking if they need an accommodation during the application process, but above all, ensure that having this information doesn’t influence your hiring decision. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)...

Churches employ people to help them fulfill their mission. These valuable contributors make the church happen! Most organizations understand the importance of screening job candidates before hiring them. However, there is so much to learn when someone leaves. Many organizations use exit interviews as a forum to learn. If...

Imagine receiving 429 applications for one job opening, even though you require 14-hour shifts. Imagine increased productivity from your team while reducing turnover. This is exactly what happened to Justin Lindsey, owner-operator of Chick-fil-A Kendall in Florida. He’s taken the idea of a 4-Day workweek...

Juneteenth National Independence Day became the 12th legal public holiday, celebrating the emancipation of the last enslaved African Americans. On that day in 1865, Union soldiers led by Gen. Gordon Granger arrived in the coastal city of Galveston, Texas to deliver General Order No. 3,...

WASHINGTON — As aggressive marketing continues, the Internal Revenue Service renewed an alert for businesses to watch out for tell-tale signs of misleading claims involving the Employee Retention Credit. The IRS and tax professionals continue to see a barrage of aggressive broadcast advertising, direct mail solicitations...

Question:  We have two employees who don’t seem to like each other, and it is starting to affect their work. How do we help employees in conflict to work well together? Answer:  Getting employees in conflict to work well together can be challenging, but here are...

It might sound like something included in a benefits package alongside nap lounges and smoothie bars, but offering your employees unlimited PTO is not only totally doable, it could have a really positive impact on your organization and culture. So what is "Unlimited PTO"? Unlimited Paid...