Author: Margie Reed

Question:  An employee hasn't shown up to work the last few shifts and isn't responding to messages.  Can we make a policy that employees who quit without notice won't get their final check? Answer:  No, federal law requires you to pay employees for all hours they have worked....

Have you had to cut jobs for functions that can no longer be supported? You can do right by your laid-off employees by offering them outplacement services, which may help your remaining staff feel more secure in their positions. Communications are important to maintain the morale...

Long before I entertained the idea of being on staff at a large church, I was asked by our Executive Pastor to go to dinner with a candidate for our open Children’s Pastor position. I remember thinking, Why would you want me—someone who is not on...

"Trust but verify.” This Russian proverb, made famous in America by President Ronald Reagan, also applies to tracking your employees’ time and attendance. As a business owner, you’ve taken on risks, and you’ve likely made personal sacrifices to build your business. It’s not fair that a...

On Tuesday, July 4, we will celebrate Independence Day (“the Fourth of July”) to commemorate the adoption of the Declaration of Independence and formation of our great nation. In the midst of the fireworks and festivities, Payroll Partners would like to remind you that since...

In the recently released Rev. Proc. 2023-23, the IRS has made annual inflation adjustments to HSA limits: For calendar year 2024, a "high deductible health plan" is defined as a health plan with an annual deductible that is not less than $1,600 for self-only coverage...

1. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Forbids employers from discriminating against job applicants and employees based on their race, color, national origin, sex or religion. An employer cannot retaliate against an employee for objecting to discrimination under Title VII, reporting discrimination, filing...

I recently spoke to someone who told me a very sad story about how their church had to terminate a pastor.  The church was experiencing some financial challenges that resulted in a decision to reduce expenses by terminating a pastor. My acquaintance shared with me that...