Author: Margie Reed

Under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), intermittent leave is leave taken in multiple blocks of time, each less than the employee’s full FMLA entitlement, for the same ongoing reason. Examples of intermittent leave include an employee taking a day each week for ongoing cancer treatments or...

Labor Day is celebrated the first Monday in September to honor and recognize the American labor movement and the works and contributions of laborers to the development and achievements of the United States. Both Payroll Partners and the Federal Reserve will be closed in observance of...

As an employer, one of your main goals should be keeping your employees happy. And you can keep your employees happy without losing favorable 401(k) tax benefits, paying penalties or facing liabilities. In the process, don't forget to take the changes caused by the SECURE 2.0...

COBRA is short for the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985. It’s a federal law that allows certain employees and covered dependents to elect to continue their same group health coverage, at their own cost, when it would otherwise be discontinued because of a...

It's clear that remote and hybrid work is here to stay and now organizations must re-center their culture to create new boundaries and expectations that include it. The goal is to create staff that is highly productive and communicative no matter where they work. Effective hybrid...

Still using pen and paper? Have you considered how much manual timekeeping costs a business? 1. Employee Time Theft Manual timekeeping systems can be exploited in a number of ways from hours padding to buddy punching. Some large employers who switch to an automated system are surprised...

Technology is transforming the retirement transition for everyone, including those without financial advisers. Digital tools are interactive experiences designed to engage users with a combination of personalization and gamification, making their retirement experience both real and relatable. DC retirement plans are meeting participants on their own...

IRS paperless processing initiative will eliminate up to 200 million pieces of paper annually, cut processing times in half, and expedite refunds by several weeks Paper-based processes have long hampered the IRS and frustrated taxpayers. The challenges created by paper are two-fold: taxpayers are unable...

The offer letter should outline the expectations and benefits of the job and provide explicit details about compensation. Ideally, it provides the candidate with all the information they need to make an informed decision about whether to accept the job or not. A standard offer...