Author: Margie Reed

Paying overtime is not just a matter of paying employees the standard 1.5 times their normal pay rate when they work more than 40 hours in a week. Overtime payment errors can occur if you miss a payment: When employees work during break times. When...

By nature, nonprofits operate with the selfless assistance of volunteers. However, what if we told you that nonprofits also have paid employees who rely on regularly scheduled paydays? Nonprofits face payroll challenges similar to those of for-profit businesses Just like for-profit businesses, nonprofits have to learn...

Naming grandchildren as beneficiaries of traditional IRAs used to be a popular estate-planning strategy. Grandchildren had their lifetimes to empty an inherited IRA, which also let them stretch out income-tax payments on the assets. NO LONGER Under 2020 required minimum distribution (RMD) changes, grandchildren must now...

Furloughs and layoffs are ways to reduce labor costs during times of economic hardship. They both involve a loss of work for employees, but there is a key difference between them. A furlough continues employment but reduces scheduled hours or requires a period of unpaid leave. Because the...

Absolutely! While the old adage, "You only get one chance at a first impression," is definitely true for onboarding, the same can be true when it comes to offboarding: you often only get one chance at a last impression. The manner in which an employee exits...

Time fraud comes in many forms and can be tough to detect. It is often committed by supervisors because of the position of trust they hold in the company and the access they have but it doesn’t end there. Employees at all levels can commit...

Your employees want to make their workspaces at home efficient and comfortable. Remote work stipends can cover that. You determine what's eligible. A stipend can cover a laptop, bookcases, lighting, coffee, electric and utility bills, toilet paper, coworking space fees, learning and development perks, and...

Question: An employee says their manager told them to lose their accent if they ever want to be promoted. Could this be considered discrimination? Answer: Yes. Discrimination based on national origin is prohibited under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and includes treating applicants or...

Your staff should never resemble a game of musical chairs, constantly losing players one by one. Vanderbloemen knows how all-consuming a search process can be to replace an employee. But the best recruiting strategy starts before the search starts – by focusing on retention. Here are 5 ways to...