Author: Margie Reed

Question:  My employees regularly forget to clock in and out for their breaks and meal periods. I've told them countless times, and they just forget to do it. What can I do? Answered by the HR Experts: There are a few steps you can take to...

Taxpayers and tax professionals should remain alert and aware of these common tax scams, schemes and cons to avoid losing money, personal information or client data. Social media: Fraudulent form filing and bad advice Social media can circulate inaccurate or misleading tax information, and the IRS...

While the Pregnancy Worker Fairness Act (also known as PWFA ) went into effect June 27, 2023, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) issued its final regulation to carry out the law April 15, 2024 which goes into effect June 18, 2024. This final rule provided...

It depends. Different states have different labor laws that govern the amount of paid sick leave an employer is required to provide and how that time is accrued. As of January 1, 2024 California increased the number of sick leave employers of all sizes are required...

Question:  A pregnant employee has gone on leave 4 weeks before the baby is going to be born. Do I have to give her all 12 FMLA weeks after it’s born, too? Sixteen weeks is a lot! Answered by the HR Experts:  Eligible employees are entitled...

Memorial Day, observed annually on the last Monday of May, is a federal holiday in the United States dedicated to honoring and remembering the men and women who have died while serving in the U.S. military. Its origins can be traced back to the years...

The IRS reminds taxpayers that has resources and tools to help small businesses understand and meet their tax responsibilities. Bookmark these webpages Small Business and Self-Employed Tax Center: Resources for small businesses with assets under $10 million and for taxpayers who file these forms: Form...

On April 23, 2024, the Federal Trade Commission issued a final rule banning virtually all noncompete agreements. It takes effect 120 days after publication in the Federal Register, which probably means an effective date sometime around the end of August. The rule prohibits employers from enforcing...

Employment verification can provide very valuable information about an applicant's work history. They usually consist of contacting an employer about their former employee's state date, end date and job title. If done strategically, though, you can glean even more valuable information! Try to schedule a...