Author: Margie Reed

TimeWorksPlus Geofencing If you need to know if employees are working at the correct location, you need geofencing. What is Geofencing? Geofencing is a mobile tracking tool that can define a virtual boundary. The virtual boundary is called a geofence. It is based on the genuine...

On-call employees are required by their employers to be available for work even during the employees' time off. Whether you must provide on-call pay for these employees depends on a few factors. But if you're not paying for these hours, you may be violating the Fair...

The Employer-Provided Childcare Tax Credit is an incentive for businesses to provide childcare services to their employees. About the tax credit This tax credit helps employers cover some costs for childcare resource and referral and for a qualified childcare facility. A qualified childcare facility is one...

By the end of the process your payroll system, tax information, benefit plans, and any personnel records (i.e., phone lists, email systems, and other employee lists/systems, etc.) should be updated, but here is some guidance on when and how to update: Prior to updating your...

Frankly, I’ve met a lot of church leaders who are just weary. If that’s where you are, here are some warning signs it’s time to take a day off—whether you work for a church or a secular employer. You haven’t had a day off in...

After determining a leave is covered by FMLA, you should begin tracking time against the 12-week entitlement. You'll track this time in whole-week increments if the need for leave is continuous. Each week missed will be counted as 1/12th of their total entitlement. If the employee...

On the surface, earned wage access is a simple, effective employee benefit; for a small fee — typically less than $5.00 per transaction — employees can access a portion of their paycheck before their actual payday. Many workers have minimal savings in the event of...

This fact sheet provides answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to educational assistance programs under section 127 of the Internal Revenue Code (Code) (a section 127 educational assistance program). These FAQs are being issued to provide general information to taxpayers and tax professionals as expeditiously...

Are you finding it difficult to fill job openings because not enough people are applying? You wouldn’t be alone. One avenue organizations are taking to expand their applicant pool is to forgo the college degree requirement and instead adopt a more inclusive, skills-based approach to...

Everyone has heard of HR. It’s associated with dull characters like “Toby” from The Office and words like “restructuring” and “evaluations” that only conjure up bad feelings in the pit of your stomach. But HR is significantly more encompassing and vital than that, especially for...