Author: Margie Reed

Question:  If an employee runs out of paid time off, do we have to allow them to take unpaid time off? Answer:  It depends on why your employee needs the unpaid time off and what you’ve done in the past. In some situations, such as those that...

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requires that employees receive a federal minimum wage in exchange for their work. However, did you know that workers in the foodservice industry are not always paid an hourly minimum wage? Why is that? Essentially, within the foodservice industry, workers...

Question:  We have a longtime employee who’s no longer meeting expectations. The owner is afraid to hold them accountable because they’re over 40 and therefore in a protected class. What can we do? Answered by the HR Experts:  In general, you shouldn’t let an employee’s protected...

Offering more flexibility to your employees increases retention and gives your employees more control over their time at work. There are a few things you can do to offer flexibility while still maintaining the coverage you need: Implement self-scheduling. Self-scheduling is when you let your...

For manufacturers in some industries, Sunday work is a necessity. For others, it is an alternative used occasionally to meet production goals. Whatever the reason for scheduling work on Sundays, manufacturers should consider the pros and cons. Reasons for Sunday Work The three main reasons for...

What pay frequency works best for your business and your employees? To choose the right schedule, consider employee satisfaction, legal compliance and your own cash flow. Also think about time commitment and money in terms of the number of payrolls you run each month. Let's...

Summer wedding season has arrived, and newlyweds can make their tax filing easier by doing a few things now. A taxpayer's marital status as of December 31 determines their tax filing options for the entire year, but that's not all newlyweds need to know. Report a...

Independence Day in the United States, celebrated on July 4th, marks the anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. This pivotal document, primarily authored by Thomas Jefferson, declared the thirteen American colonies free and independent states, no longer subject to British...

"Retirement" has different meanings for Baby Boomers. But, for most of us, retirement will not be of the rocking chair variety, at least not initially. Many new retirees decide to continue to work, but this time at their own pace and hours. Others can't wait...