Author: Margie Reed

Fringe benefits may be available to everyone in the company or may be used as incentives for meeting certain goals. They may be paid or given in the form of an achievement award. They are always considered compensation for services beyond employees’ normal rates of...

Question:  We have remote and on-site employees. Do we have to post hard copies of required labor posters in the workplace, or can we provide only electronic ones on our internal web page for all employees to see? Answer:  As you have remote and on-site employees, we recommend...

Clergy are subject to self-employment tax because their earnings from ministerial services are considered self-employment income under the Self-Employment Contributions Act (SECA). This classification is based on several key provisions and interpretations of the Internal Revenue Code and related regulations. Definition of Net Earnings from...

The Federal Reserve will be closed in observance of Veteran's Day on Monday, November 11th.  Check dates on or after the holiday will be affected. Affected check dates include: Monday, November 11th Tuesday, November 12th Wednesday, November 13th Please check with your Payroll Specialist if...

Avoid the frightening reality of payroll mistakes.  Payroll management is a critical function for businesses of all sizes. Accurate and compliant payroll processing is essential to ensure employees are paid correctly and on time while avoiding costly mistakes and penalties. In this article, we’ll discuss...

Heat is a leading cause of death among all weather-related phenomena in the United States. And it’s a serious occupational hazard for many workers, both indoors and out. That’s why the Occupational Safety and Health Administration has proposed a new standard that would protect approximately 36 million...

It isn’t a question of if your staff is experiencing burnout, but how many of them are already burnt out. Most people don’t even know it. They think they don’t have time to look closely and deal with it; they ignore warning signs, writing them off...

While unlimited PTO policies are a relatively recent invention, they have quickly caught on. By 2023, 8% of organizations offered unlimited PTO. Thanks to the tight labor market, that number is likely to keep growing. Unlimited PTO can boost your talent acquisition, increase productivity, and improve employee...

On August 23, 2024, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals vacated the DOL’s so-called “80/20/30” tip credit rule. The decision applies nationwide. In short, the rule required employers to pay tipped employees the full minimum wage—without a tip credit—for work time that was not directly tip-producing...