16 Jul Do we have to allow employees to take unpaid time off?
Question: If an employee runs out of paid time off, do we have to allow them to take unpaid time off?
Answer: It depends on why your employee needs the unpaid time off and what you’ve done in the past.
In some situations, such as those that would be covered by the Family and Medical Leave Act, Americans with Disabilities Act, Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, or a similar state law, the employee may be legally entitled to unpaid leave. In those cases, you would need to approve the unpaid leave at least to the extent required by the applicable laws.
In the absence of any legal requirements, if you’ve historically granted similarly situated employees unpaid time off, you should continue to do so. Inconsistency can lead to discrimination claims. (You can make a permanent change in policy and stop granting unpaid time off when it’s not required by law, but that’s the kind of policy shift you’d want to share widely, and if possible, with some advance notice.) If neither of the above situations apply, you could deny a request for unpaid time off, but be sure to let the employee know why. People appreciate transparency, especially when being told “no.”
Original content by the Mineral Platform. This information is provided with the understanding that Payroll Partners is not rendering legal, human resources, or other professional advice or service. Professional advice on specific issues should be sought from a lawyer, HR consultant or other professional.