22 Sep Adding New Employees to Payroll Platform
This Payroll Partners article provides step-by-step instructions to Evolution Payroll users for adding new employees to the payroll platform.
To add a new employee in Evolution Payroll,
- Select and open the client and company from the dropdown list above the heading on the right-hand side of the screen.
- Click the Employees Menu to open.
If there are employees already set up with this company, they appear in the list on the screen.
Note: Employee SSNs are masked in the Grid View except for the last four digits.
- Click the large plus sign in the heading to create a new record
Result: The Add Employee box opens.
- Select the Add Method Advanced (Basic is the default) if the information on the Basics screen is not detailed enough for the new employee.
Note: The option of selecting Basic or Advanced is available only if the security function “Apply EE Quick Entry in WebClient” is disabled.
- Select whether the Tax ID is a SSN or EIN and enter the Social Security Number or Employer Identification Number.
- Click Check ID.
If the Social Security Number or EIN is already in the system, the Employees – Basics screen opens with the existing demographic information already copied into the new employee fields.
Note: if the Advanced Add Method was selected, the Employees – Personal screen opens.
Employees – Basics screen
The Employees – Basics screen is displayed only when creating a new employee, when the Basic method is selected. The Basics screen contains the most common fields used when entering an employee, including multiple pay rates and organizational levels. When using the Basic method, only the information on the Basics screen is required to save the employee. Additional Employees Menu items are available on the left-hand side of the screen if needed. If the sections on the Basics screen do not provide enough detail about the employee, users may select the Advanced method in the Add Employee dialog box.
Note: Users must have the same security access as when using the Employee – Employee – EE Entry tab in Evolution.
Note: Fields with names with an asterisk (*) are required.
- Complete the required and applicable fields on the Employee – Basics screen. For detailed information about the fields on this screen, refer to the Employee – Basics screen section in the Employees Menu Fields module.
- Press the TAB key or click the Next button when you complete entering information on this screen.
Result: From this screen, the Employees – Local screen opens.
Employees – Personal screen
If more detailed information is needed than the Basics screen provides, select the Advanced method on the Add Employee dialog box. Note the additional Employee Menu items on the left-hand side of the screen.
Important! When creating a new employee using the Advanced screens, you must progress to the Local menu Item (if applicable; if there are no locals for the new employee, you must progress to the State menu Item) before the new employee can be saved. If you exit before that, the new employee information that was entered is lost.
- Complete the required and applicable fields. For detailed information about the fields on this screen, refer to the Employees – Personal screen section in the Employees Menu Fields module.
- Press the TAB key or click the Next button when you complete entering information on this screen.
Result: The Employees – Labor Defaults screen opens
Employees – Labor Defaults screen
- Complete the required and applicable fields. For detailed information about the fields on this screen, refer to the Employees – Labor Defaults screen section in the Employee Menu Fields module.
- Press the TAB key or click the Next button when you complete entering information on this screen.
Result: The Employees – Pay screen opens.
Employees – ACA screen
The ACA screen in Evolution Payroll contains the same fields as the ACA tab in Evolution Classic, located on the Employee – Employee – screen.
- Complete the required and applicable fields. For detailed information about the fields on this screen, refer to the Employees – ACA screen section in the Employee Menu Fields module.
- Press the TAB key or click the Next button when you complete entering information on this screen.
Result: The Employees – ACA History screen opens.
Employees – ACA History screen
The Employees – ACA History screen lets the user view and update coverage information for employees.
Select the year for which historical information is needed, and click within the month line in the requiring changing. A dropdown list opens with the applicable codes. Once a code is selected, the subsequent months are changed to match the new Code.
The screen also displays the Company default Initial Measurement Period and Stability Period, and employee Hire Date and Date of Birth. That information cannot be edited here.
- Complete the required and applicable fields. For detailed information about the fields on this screen, refer to the Employees – ACA History screen section in the Employee Menu Fields module.
- Press the TAB key or click the Next button when you complete entering information on this screen.
Result: The Employees – Pay screen opens.
Employees – Pay screen
The Employees – Pay screen contains salary information, rate amounts for hourly employees, pay frequency, etc. There are also three sub-menus that are part of the Pay menu item. The information on these screens is read-only for employees.
- Complete the required and applicable fields. For detailed information about the fields on this screen, refer to the Employees – Pay screen section in the Employees Menu Fields module.
- If there are any overrides, click the Add button to add the required information.
- Press the TAB key or click the Next button when you complete entering information on this screen.
Result: The Employees – Federal screen opens.
Shifts Sub-menu
Shifts must be already created in Evolution, after which they can be applied to employees in Evolution Payroll. Some employees may be assigned multiple shifts.
Note: Users must have Employee – Shifts menu access set up in Evolution to be able to create and apply shifts.
- Complete the required and applicable fields. For detailed information about the fields on this screen, refer to the Employees – Pay screen – Shifts section in the Employee Menu Fields module.
- Press the TAB key or click the Next button when you complete entering information on this screen.
Result: The Employees – Piecework screen opens.
Piecework Sub-menu
The Piecework screen is where piecework items are set up and to employees. Before these can be applied to employees, the piecework items must be set up in Evolution at the Client level.
Users must have Employee – Piecework menu access set up in Evolution to be able to create and apply piecework.
- Complete the required and applicable fields. For detailed information about the fields on this screen, refer to the Employees – Pay Screen – Piecework section in the Employee Menu Fields module.
- Press the TAB key or click the Next button when you complete entering information on this screen.
Result: The Employees – Auto Labor Dist screen opens.
Auto Labor Distribution Sub-menu
The Auto Labor Distribution screen is where employees’ time and pay rates are set up and applied, based on the D/B/D/T levels employees work.
Note: Users must have Employee – Auto Labor Distribution menu access set up in Evolution to be able to create and apply Auto Labor Distribution.
- Complete the required and applicable fields. For detailed information about the fields on this screen, refer to the Employees – Pay screen – ALD section in the Employee Menu Fields module.
- Press the TAB key or click the Next button when you complete entering information on this screen.
Employees – Federal screen
The Employees – Federal screen contains settings and statuses of federal tax information.
- Complete the required and applicable fields. For detailed information about the fields on this screen, refer to the Employees – Federal screen section in the Employee Menu Fields module.
- Press the TAB key or click the Next button when you complete entering information on this screen.
Result: The Employees – State screen opens.
Employees – State screen
The Employees – State screen is where state tax information can be added, deleted and viewed.
Click the small arrow(s) at the far left of the line on the information bar to minimize or maximize the state information. Users may also double-click the small arrow(s) to expand the information.
- Complete the required and applicable fields. For detailed information about the fields on this screen, refer to the Employees – State screen section in the Employee Menu Fields module.
- Click the Add button to add another state as needed, or click the Delete button to delete a state from the employee’s record.
- Press the TAB key or click the Next button when you complete entering information on this screen.
Result: The Employees – Local screen opens.
Employees – Local screen
When creating a new employee in Evolution Payroll, the local taxes will either be set up automatically, the user will be prompted to attach local taxes, or local taxes will have to be added as part of the employee setup.
On the Company – Taxes – Local Tax – Details tab in Evolution Classic,
- If the Auto-create on New Hire field is set to Yes, local taxes are automatically applied to new employees of that company. Note that it does not apply to existing employees or rehires.
- If the Auto-create on New Hire field is set to No, no local taxes will be attached to new employees of that company. Users will need to manually add the local taxes when creating new employees in Evolution Payroll.
- If the Auto-create on New Hire field is set to Ask for any local taxes in Evolution Classic – a screen opens in Evolution Payroll, prompting the user to apply that local tax.
- Click the Add button to add another local as needed, or click the Delete button to delete a local (if, for example, the employee moved) from the employee’s record.
- For detailed information about the fields on this screen, refer to the Employees – Local screen section in the Employees Menu Fields module.
- Click Save
at the top of the Menu bar on the left-hand side of the screen when you have completed entering information on this screen.
- Click the Next button
Result: The Employees – Child Support screen opens.
Employees – Child Support screen
If the employee owes Child Support, the Child Support case information is displayed on this screen.
- Click the Add button to add a Child Support case as needed, or click the Delete button to delete a case. For detailed information about the fields on this screen, refer to the Employees – Child Support screen section in the Employees Menu Fields module.
- Click Save when you have completed entering information on this screen.
- Press the TAB key or click the Next button.
Result: The Employees – Direct Deposit screen opens.
Employees – Direct Deposit screen
Users can add, delete, and view direct deposit information.
- Click the Add button to add new direct deposit information as needed, or click the Delete button to delete a direct deposit setup. For detailed information about the fields on this screen, refer to the Employees – Direct Deposit screen section in the Employees Menu Fields module.
- Click Save when you have completed entering information on this screen.
- Press the TAB key or click the Next button.
Result: The Employees – Scheduled E/Ds screen opens.
Employees – Scheduled E/Ds screen
Scheduled E/Ds can be automatically set up for new employees if they are Auto Enlisted in Evolution Classic. To Auto Create Scheduled E/Ds
- Go to the Client – E/Ds – Scheduled Defaults screen.
- Select Yes in the Auto Enlist on New Hire field.
This setting only applies to new employees being created (not existing employees or re-hired employees).
Note that the setting for the auto-creation of Scheduled E/Ds for new hires is at the Client level, as this is where Scheduled E/Ds are set up.
Users can add, delete, and view Scheduled E/Ds on the Employee menu – Scheduled E/Ds screen.
Click the small arrow(s) at the far left of the line on the information bar to minimize or maximize the state information. Users may also double-click the small arrow(s) to expand the information.
Scheduled E/Ds are earnings and deductions that are scheduled to be processed automatically with every payroll. E/D Codes are separated into three categories – Earning Codes, Deduction Codes, and Memo Codes.
The table below identifies some of the most common E/D Codes that are and those that are not considered Scheduled E/Ds.
To set up employee-level Scheduled E/Ds
- Click the Add button to add a Scheduled E/D, or click the Delete button to delete a Scheduled E/D from the employee’s record. For detailed information about the fields on this screen, refer to the Employees – Scheduled E/Ds screen in the Employee Menu Fields module.
* After a selection is made in the Send to field, an additional field opens below, depending upon the selection:
- Agency – when Agency is selected in the Send To field, a dropdown field opens below it, where the user selects the Agency.
- Client / Company – When Client / Company is selected
- Direct Deposit – when Direct Deposit is selected in the Send To field, a dropdown field opens below, where the user selects an account number, or clicks the plus sign to add a new account number.
- Click the Schedule tab when this screen is complete. Complete all of the applicable fields.
- Click the Limits tab when this screen is complete. Complete all of the applicable fields.
- Click the Thresholds tab when this screen is complete. Complete all of the applicable fields.
- Click Save when you have completed entering information on this screen.
- Press the TAB key or click the Next button.
Result: The Employees – Delivery screen opens.
Employees – Delivery screen
Delivery information for all of the employees’ payroll and tax forms is listed on the Delivery menu screen.
- Click in the applicable fields to add new delivery information as needed. For detailed information about the fields on this screen, refer to the Employees – Delivery screen section Employees – Delivery screen section in the Employee Menu Fields module.
- Verify that the Primary Address information is correct.
- Enter VMR overrides if applicable.
- Enter a Payroll Override Address if applicable.
- Click Save when you have completed entering information on this screen.
- Press the TAB key or click the Next button.
Result: The Employees – Time off Accrual screen opens.
Employees – Time off Accrual screen
Depending upon your role / permissions, you may not see this menu-item.
The Time off Accrual screen displays a balance of unused paid time off, as well as used and accrued time off.
Note: the Time off Accrual menu item may not be displayed in the list, depending upon the company settings that determine whether to make TOA available to employees.
- Click the Add button to add a new Time off Accrual plan as needed, or click the Delete button to delete a TOA. For detailed information about the fields on this screen, refer to the Employees – Time off Accrual screen section in the Employees Menu Fields module.
- Select the Type of TOA being added.
- Tab over to the Accrued tab and enter the amount the employee has accrued. A window opens requesting a reason for the adjustment. Enter a reason > click OK.
Result: the Balance fills in.
- Enter a Used amount if applicable.
- Complete the following fields.
- Click Save when you have completed entering information on this screen.
- Press the TAB key or click the Next button.
Result: The Employees – Notes screen opens.
Employees – Notes screen
Payroll Notes
Notes entered here can be viewed by the payroll processor, or other internal colleagues. The information does not appear “publicly” and cannot be viewed by the employees.
General Notes
General notes about the employee and payrolls are stored with the employee data and can also be viewed in the Payroll menu in the Notes flyout tab on the Employees – Payrolls – Payroll View screen.
Employees – Employee Portal
The Employee Portal screen contains the same fields as are on the Employee – Employee – Self Serve tab in Evolution Classic. For detailed information about the fields on this screen, refer to the Employees – Employee Portal screen section in the Employee Menu Fields module.
Note: When creating a new employee using the Basic employee entry method, the Employee Portal tab does not appear as a choice in the Employee menu.
Unblock Account Button
If a user incorrectly answers their pre-defined validation questions in Evolution Payroll three times, their account is blocked. A user with access must unblock the account using this button. A pop-up box opens with a temporary password to be provided to the user. Once they log in using the temporary password, they are prompted to establish a new password and to select new validation questions and their answers.
Group Assignments section
Group Assignments are implemented at the Company level. Access Groups can be created and assigned ESS Managers in this section.
Available Groups – ESS Groups with a Personal Info or Time off Group Type, these groups are created on the Company- Benefits – ESS Group Assignment – Group Assignment tab in Evolution Classic.
Assigned Groups – groups to which this employee is assigned as a member.
Select the corresponding checkbox to assign or remove employees to/from various groups.
As always, we are here to walk you through this or any other process that you need help with. You can reach out to us toll free at (866) 757-8111 Monday-Thursday from 8:00AM-5:00PM and Fridays 8:00AM-4:30PM Central Standard Time.