04 Mar TimeWorksPlus: Audit Log Report for Time Card Edits
Question: How Can I see an audit of who edited a specific timecard?
Answer: It is possible to see edits that were made to a timecard, ranging from the type of edit it was to the login that performed the edit.
- Open the employee timecard you wish to see the edits for.
- In the bottom right corner of the card, you will see an ‘Audit’ link in blue (note: The link will only show if there have been any edits to that card, otherwise there will be no audit link).
- Click the ‘Audit’ link for a detailed view on which date the changes were made, the login that made the changes, and the IP Address the login came from.
Example Time Card
Be advised that the audit only keeps changes less than 90 days old. After 90 days it will be removed from the system.
(There is also an audit log report under “reports” that will keep the data permanently. This method of reviewing the audit is basically a “quick view”.)
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