Do we need to tell employees when employment laws change?

Do we need to tell employees when employment laws change?

Question:  Do we need to tell employees when employment laws change?

Answer:  Possibly. As their employer, you need to stay up to date on legal changes that affect your organization. Plus your leadership team, managers, human resources, and payroll departments should be kept aware of any new legal requirements or rights that will apply to them or their employees.

On the other hand, non-managerial employees only need to be informed about changes to the law when notice is legally required. If there’s no requirement, whether or not to update employees is up to you, but making employees aware of their rights is usually a best practice and helps keep the organization accountable.

Finally, if a change in the law impacts your policies, be sure to update your Staff Handbook and have your employees sign off on it. A more widespread understanding of the new law will help foster compliance, and employee signatures will help show they were made aware of the policy change and any new rights or responsibilities.

Original content by HR Ministry Solutions. This information is provided with the understanding that Payroll Partners is not rendering legal, human resources, or other professional advice or service. Professional advice on specific issues should be sought from a lawyer, HR consultant or other professional.