Can We Require Proof That The School Or Place Of Care Is Closed?

Can We Require Proof That The School Or Place Of Care Is Closed?

For Leave Requests Under The FFCRA, Can We Require Proof That The School Or Place Of Care Is Closed?

No. However, you can and should (for IRS documentation) require the following items:

  • The names and ages of the child or children being cared for.
  • The name of the school, place of care, or caregiver that is closed or unavailable due to COVID-19.
  • A statement from the employee that no other suitable person will be caring for the child during the period of leave. If the child or children are 15 or older, the statement should include a note from the employee that there are special circumstances that necessitate care (the employee doesn’t need to explain them).
  • The specific dates of the request.

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